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Asian Festival of Children’s Content
25–28 May 2023

In this interactive storytelling theatre workshop, participants will be guided to discover the various locations and characters of the Vietnamese Folk tale. Other than learning to express oneself, participants will also be learning to interact with participants of different generations. Come discover how the Toad brought the rain!

Admission to this session is free with registration.

Intergeneration Intergenerational Storytelling

Jeffrey Tan

Jeffrey Tan (Singapore)

Jeffrey is an experienced Theatre Director and Drama Educator. He has taught ‘Creativity in Collaborative Learning’ and ‘Lesson Planning’ for the National institute of Education, ‘Educational Drama’ for Nanyang Technological University, 'Children's Theatre' for the University of Warwick and 'Educational Theatre' for New York University's Study Abroad Programme in London.

Programme dates and times are subject to change.
