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Asian Festival of Children’s Content
25–28 May 2023

As edutainment becomes increasingly used as an educational approach, children get more motivated when learning becomes fun. By combining the clarity and simplicity of infographics, along with engaging comics storytelling, the info-comic is a highly effective visual narrative tool for children across ages. Learn the basics of info-comics in this workshop and get hands-on experience in creating a 6-page mini guidebook!

Comics and Graphic Novels Reading Storytelling

Josef Lee

Josef Lee (Singapore)

Josef Lee is visual storyteller based in Singapore. With his background in branding and advertising, Josef expanded his skills into the field of animation and founded motion design and creative studio  MOJO in 2008. He writes and draws picture stories and published his first picture-book via crowdfunding in 2017. Since then, his works have attracted the attention of publishers from Taiwan and China and has published over 10 picture-books to date. Josef is pursuing a part time MA in Design and is researching combining infographics and comics to create a more effective visual narrative medium.

Programme dates and times are subject to change.
