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Asian Festival of Children’s Content
25–28 May 2023

Today, children need to be literate in multiple forms of text. Comics, in particular, use unconventional vocabulary and grammar conditional upon images. In this presentation, attendees learn how libraries, which are full of resources for children to develop literacy skills in multiple forms of text, use comics to promote reading and writing habits. 

Comics and Graphic Novels libraries

Razina Akhter

Razina Akhter (Bangladesh)

Razina Akhter is Head of the Library at Bangladesh Shishu (Children) Academy with degrees in Information Science & Library Management. She currently serves as Senior Vice President of the Bangladesh Associations of Librarians, Information Scientist and Documentalist (BALID), and is a standing committee member of IFLA Libraries for Children and Young Adults and an IRRT member of the American Library Association (ALA).

Sarah A. Evans

Sarah A. Evans (USA)

Sarah A. Evans is the Presidential Early Career Professor at the University of North Texas, Director for the Children's and Young Adult Librarianship program and Co-Director of the Multiple Literacies Lab. Her research examines the literacies and identities taken up in voluntary learning experiences. Sarah has extensive experience in working for and with libraries, and holds a PhD in Learning Sciences from the University of Washington.

Zed Yeo (Benedict Yeo)

Moderator Zed Yeo (Benedict Yeo) (Singapore)

Zed Yeo (Benedict Yeo) is author of over 10 books, including Half Ghost and all of the Saurus Series. A recipient of the National Arts Council’s Presentation and Participation Grant, Zed has spoken at Asian Festival of Children’s Content and Young Writers Festival. As Benedict Yeo, he is Research Librarian (Social Sciences) at Singapore Management University, a premier university in Asia.

Programme dates and times are subject to change.
