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Asian Festival of Children’s Content
25–28 May 2023

The presence of technology in our lives have radically impacted how we have engaged with it in our day-to-day activities, including the act of reading.  This session will discuss the opportunities and threats of technology-assisted reading, explore how evolving consumer demands have impacted creators, and analyse if we should rethink the notion of what it means to read. 


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AFCC Digital Reading Technology

Cindy Ong

Cindy Ong (Singapore)

Cindy works at the intersection of learning, design, and technology, with a keen interest in the orchestration of future-ready tech-enabled learning. Specifically, her research is concerned with the implications that the use of adaptive technologies has on teacher-student interactions, as teachers grapple with balancing personalised learning and learning in community.    

Programme dates and times are subject to change.
