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Asian Festival of Children’s Content
25–28 May 2023

How can wordless books be leveraged to improve visual literacy and language learning in readers who might otherwise be intimidated by the written word? An editor and art director from Pratham Books (India) delve into the universal appeal of the simple form that is a wordless picture book. 

Childrens Books Wordless Books

Canato Jimo

Canato Jimo (India)

Canato Jimo is a picture book maker who currently works with Pratham Books, India, as an art director. He is author-illustrator of award-winning books, Snip and Asamo, Is that you?. He moonlights as a musician and is a recovering stationery addict.

Smit Zaveri

Smit Zaveri (India)

Smit Zaveri is an editor by day and baker by night. She has worked across departments in publishing before joining Penguin Random House India as an editor. Smit currently works at Pratham Books, where she edits the most delicious picture books. She lives in Bangalore in her yellow house that always smells of cake.

Ben Lai

Moderator Ben Lai (Singapore)

Ben Lai is a toy designer by day and a picturebook maker by night. He believes play is a way of doing things and not just something we do. He loves picturebooks and solving problems through art, design, and play. His picturebooks, I Can and We Can, were both shortlisted for the Hedwig Anuar Children's Book Award.

Programme dates and times are subject to change.
